Consider a DONATION for Haiti’s children today. donate to Haiti children
Help children in Haiti
"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

Haiti Education Foundation provides support and education to the children of southern Haiti. 100% of donations go towards education, supplies, and the maintenance and construction of new schools.

Spring Match Challenge Success!

The Spring Match Challenge was successful! Many thanks to all who answered the call and made it happen! Be watching for a new matching challenge coming in September. Of course you can give at any time and your support is greatly appreciated.


Spring Challenge

Zoom update

zoom update

Partnerships also require connections. In an effort to keep you, our donors, connected and engaged, we are providing an opportunity for you to hear from all of the partners who are doing really wonderful things in the mountain villages. On Sunday, April 28, we will be hosting our Haiti Zoom Update at 7:00 CT. Joining us will be Susan Turbeville with Haiti Education Foundation, Mackey Quinlan with Haiti Healthcare Partners, Keith Logan with Trinity Hope Feeding and our wonderful liaison in Haiti, Ancy Fils Aime. Please sign up to join us for this very informative, hour long, gathering.

Request an Invitation

Free public education is something most of us take for granted. In Haiti, the poorest country in the western hemisphere, private schools are the only option for education and very few families can afford even the most modest tuition.

The Haiti Education Foundation (HEF) is the result of one woman's effort to make a difference in the lives of the children of Haiti. In a nation as devastated as Haiti, it is difficult to decide where to begin to offer help. Education is the one gift that can bring the hope of a better and more prosperous life.

For less than 21¢ a day, you can help a child learn to read, write, and master a trade. Your donation will purchase hope not only for a child, but for a family, a school, and a community.

HEF changes the life of every child who participates. With your help keeping these schools open, the future of Haiti can be a better one.

Learn more about Haiti, the Haiti Education Foundation and how you can help.

You can contact the HEF office at 870-866-8618 or .

donate to Haiti Education Foundation

Haiti Education Foundation

St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School

Last year we focused on raising funds to rebuild St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School. We are pleased to announce the completion of the project. Thank you for all who gave to this work. It is a beautiful place for learning.

St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School St. Jean Baptiste Elementary School
Give the gift that will change a life.
You can donate here.